Key Stage 3

Effective revision is just as important as paying attention in class. So, it’s essential that you find the revision tools that most powerfully boost your learning.

Effective revision is regular, visually-engaging and varied.

Explore the revision tips and tools & find what works for you.

Learn how to read more, understand more and revel in reading.

Learning how to decode unfamiliar vocabulary, understand and interpret texts, read fluently, scan and skim read and critically examine texts are essential skills for your future development.

Jump into this section to see how you can improve your reading skills.

The more you read, the better you will write: adopting ambitious vocabulary and imaginative ideas will help boost your ability to master the craft of writing.  

Writing, however, also requires careful planning and conviction in order to capture the attention of an audience. There is a fine line between creativity and chaos on a page.

Delve into this section for engaging and fun tips.